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Writer's pictureKoKoMocha TV


Updated: Oct 2


2024, Tuesday, October 1st - October 7th:

Hello Taurus, you are focused on protecting your energy this week. With the 9 of Wands energy crowning your reading, you may be emotionally vulnerable and could feel overly defensive to others' opinions. Proceed with caution as you wrap up karmic cycles and make space for new things. You start the week in the Ace of Swords energy. There may be truths expressed that cut through confusion and brings in clarity. News you've been waiting on finally arrives and a long overdue conversation may finally be had. With your obstacles being represented by The HIGH PRIESTESS energy, there may be a need to trust your intuition over your ego. Moving in silence can be key to seeing your manifestations come into fruition after a period of delays. Trust the process and tune into your divine guidance during this time. Don't fall for illusions and assumptions that cause emotional triggers. You end the week in The JUSTICE energy. If there are legal battles you may be facing, you receive the news you've been waiting on. Balance is restored in a work dynamic where deception and miscommunication may have created chaos. Karma brings in overdue rewards and completion of karmic cycles indefinitely. Clarity, harmony and balance are the theme of the weekend. Be open to reconciliations and negotiations. Things are moving forward smoothly.

Love Energy: EXPRESS YOUR LOVE- (Go ahead and make the romantic gesture.): There may be a conversation that needs to be had between you and someone to offer closure and a possible new beginning. You are being encouraged to express yourself openly and freely. Honest and direct communication can offer peace and reassurance in a situation where distance could have created a disconnect. Go ahead and do whatever it is your intuition is guiding you to do. You won't regret following your divine guidance.

Spirit Animal Advice: KOALA SPIRIT (35)- (Slow and steady and wins the race.): At times where we are not sure what the Universe is doing in our life, we have to lean into our faith in forces greater than ourselves. Trusting in the Divine Plan is a necessity as you enter periods of the unknown. You intuition can help you receive hints and hits from the Divine and your discernment can help to check the intentions of those around you. Trust in the plan of the divine, and trust you are being divinely guided exactly where you are meant to be.


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