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Updated: Oct 4


2024, Tuesday, October 1st - October 7th:

Hello Pisces, your emotions are on 1000. Nostalgia and memories of the past flood your energy this week. With the 6 of Cups energy crowning your reading, you are more emotional than usual, as you long for comfort of home, family and possibly a particular person. You start the week in a high manifesting energy. With The MAGICIAN energy bringing in the week, you’re getting to work and things are moving along. You have all the tools and resources that you need to get some good work done. High vibrational thinking, set intentions and problem solving can help things manifest quickly for you, Pisces. Obstacles this week may manifest as the 5 of Swords. There's a need to finally remove yourself from things that are no longer serving you. Intrusive thoughts and negative habits can keep your judgement clouded and make forward movement difficult. Toxic friend groups or unhealthy work environments may require you to finally walk away. You end the week in the 7 of Wands energy. You are overprotective and defensive as you protect the things that you are manifesting from others who seek to interfere. Family and friends may try to force their opinion on your affairs. This may cause you to feel like you need to defend to the things that you feel strongly about, even if that means distancing yourself from loved ones. Stand your ground and honor your truth, Pisces!

Love Energy: ROMANTIC FEELINGS - (Your feelings are real and worth exploring.): You may have been keeping some thoughts, memories and feelings, locked away for a long time, Pisces. It may be very difficult to do that this week. Many feelings and memories are rising to the surface and it’s for you to explore. Try not to ignore how you are feeling. Process these thoughts and emotions and allow yourself to honor and act on those feelings. In order to be honest with someone else about how you feel, you have to first be honest with yourself.

Spirit Animal Advice: OWL SPIRIT (43)- (You see clearly now.): After we remove the toxic people, habits and thoughts form our immediate environment, we have clarity on what it is that we want and what’s the best way to go about getting it. You are in a process of receiving clarity right now, Pisces. Keep your mind and your heart open. Try not to succumb to fear or intrusive thoughts and allow your mind to be clear and focused on what it truly desires. These thoughts and feelings are not coming to you for no reason. Trust and explore them.  


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Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I 💙 the new weekly Horoscopes, they have been spot on. I make sure to take a look at my sun, moon and rising and venus to get the full read. I look forward to seeing them weekly. Thank you Jess, keep up the great work!

Signed your Tiktok follower,

Inliving_colour 😘

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