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Updated: Oct 2


2024, Tuesday, October 1st- October 7th:

Hello Sagittarius. It’s finally time! The conversation or news that you’ve been waiting on is finally here, bringing in the clarity you’ve needed in order to finally make the decision you’ve been needing to make. With the Ace of Swords energy crowning your reading, there’s incoming truth and clarity and this information is information you can trust, whether it comes in verbally or via text or email. You start the week in the 2 of Pentacles energy. You could be back-and-forth in your head, weighing out options or trying to find a solution to a problem. You may have multiple options and could be considering or reconsidering choices that you’ve made in the past. Try not to toggle too much, as inconsistencies manifest as your obstacles this week. The Knight of Wands could represent inconsistency and the lack of follow-through. There could be someone that does not make good on their promises, or continuously fall short when you need them. It’s hard to continue to ignore or accept someone else’s inconsideration. You end the week in the Knight of Cups energy. There could be conversations when it comes to love and expressions of love that offer reconciliation. Apologies could be exchanged and compromise or negotiation to a situation could be formed. These expressions of love are genuine, and you can trust them, Sagittarius. Open up your energy and allow yourself to move forward in the choices you’ve made. 

Love Energy: GIVE YOUR RELATIONSHIP A CHANCE- (Work on your partnership.): Your hesitation when it comes to love continuously creates stagnation in your life. You have a genuine connection, but you have to fully invest and do the work it takes to build a strong connection. You’ve made the right decision not create and build a solid relationship. You can do it. 

Spirit Animal Advice: STARFISH SPIRIT (59)- (Open to infinite possibilities.): You are in a time and space where old things are ending, and new things are beginning. You have a blank canvas in front of you and there are infinite possibilities as to what to come. Keep your energy open and try not to limit yourself with beliefs or ideals of what should or should not be. Allow the Universe to show you what it has stored for you. Remain open and continue to walk through new doors.


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