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Updated: Oct 2


2024, Tuesday, October 1st - October 7th:

Hello Aquarius, things are finally coming together for you. The 4 of Wands energy crowns you read this week. This energy tells us that solid work is being done, that is laying a stable and balanced foundation in new relationships and new business opportunities. Great effort is being put in and the reward is on the way. You start the week and the 6 of Pentacles energy. Your generosity and past works are being recognized, as reward and reciprocity set the tone of the week. Love connections are balanced, and you can feel the love you are giving, coming back to you. Try not to succumb to intrusive thoughts or become shut off to this energy, believing that it is too good to be true. Your obstacles could manifest this week as the 4 of Pentacles energy, where you are emotionally unavailable and closed off to love. Try not to overspend or over give, as others may see your abundance and reach for it. You end the week in the 2 of Cups energy. A new relationship is budding, and love is in the air. Reciprocity, balance, and genuine emotions are shared towards the end of the week, as you and someone could be coming together for dates or quality time. Enjoy this energy and try not to be shut off, Aquarius. There are great things in stored for all of the great work you’ve done. You deserve this!

Love Energy: SOULMATE- (Yes, this is your soulmate.): These intense connections are not by chance, Aquarius. There are energies that you are drawn into, and they are hard to mistaken. You are experiencing one of these connections right now, and it is very possible that you are connecting with a soulmate. This is someone you have shared multiple lifetimes with. Embrace this intense connection and try not to fear the energy, as it can be overwhelming. None the less, it is safe! You and this person have loved each other in many lives before. 

Spirit Animal Advice: BUTTERFLY SPIRIT (11)- (Transformation is beautiful.): As we arrive at the "light at the end of the tunnel", we begin to not only see but appreciate how beautiful transformation can be. We learn that once we've shed old layers, we've simultaneously opened ourselves up to new things. We see how those new things blossom in our lives and fulfill us in ways we didn’t know we needed. You are being challenged, Aquarius, to embrace this transformation and emerge a new with all of the blessings that come with this healing. 


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