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Updated: Oct 2


2024, Tuesday, October 1st - October 7th:

Hello Cancer, there's a recent series of events that are catching you off guard, Cancer. The TOWER energy crowns your read this week. These situations are not all bad, but they will all be the catalyst for extreme changes to manifest in your life after a period of stagnation or discontentment. There may be blow ups within relationships or sudden endings to jobs or friendships. On the other hand, there may be break throughs in love, work or business that take things to the next level. You may feel the need to protect your wins and keep your business private as the week starts. The 9 of Wands energy to start could represent you being guarded and cautious as you process these changes. There may be past deceptions and betrayals that make it difficult for you to open up to a connection or take someone serious. The 6 of Cups (Reversed) energy manifests as your obstacles for the week. You may have fears around a certain connection. Trust and abandonment issues could keep a once loving and harmonious connection from moving forward and growing. There may be suppressed emotions within a connection or partnership that are now straining. Try not to succumb to the fear of repeating past pain. The past is over, and you can trust the things to come. You end the week in The TEMPERANCE energy. Healing and recovery flow in, bringing reconciliations and balance in love and financial matters. Heartbreak and trauma can be examined and left behind, as the Universe works to bring in healing and restore harmony. Apologies, honest communication, displays of affection and compromise are energies ending the week, setting next week up to be filled with healing and rejuvenation. There's light on the other side, Cancer. It's Safe!

Love Energy: RECONCILIATIONS- (Someone from your past is returning to your life.): It's extremely hard to see past pain and trauma. When people that have hurt us come back into our lives, they trigger trauma and influence us to act impulsively as a trauma response. Someone is on their way back into your life, Cancer, and they are triggering your trauma. Reconciliations and apologies are heartfelt and sincere, and you can be open to reconciling and making amends. Things can change for the better if you both can work towards it.

Spirit Animal Advice: WASP SPIRIT (64)- (Sometimes life stings.): Things may seem challenging, Cancer, but there is no challenge you aren't prepared for. Some obstacles we encounter could be a result of karmic debt, while others could simply be lessons that we need to learn on how to overcome certain situations. No matter the reason for the storm, we must understand it's all a part of the plan. The pain is just as necessary as the reward. Embrace all phases with resilience, compassion and acceptance.


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